Create a Grungy 3D Text Poster in Photoshop

Learn how to create real 3D text all inside Photoshop CS5 Extended! This tutorial will show you how to create a grungy poster out of the modern 3D text effect that you will learn how to make. You will also learn some tricks such as how to randomize brush settings to avoid “clone-stamp patterns”.

Create a Winter Scene with Fire Particle Lights in Photoshop

Learn how to create this photo manipulation that mixes a winter scene with fire. Find out how to create particle lights using Photoshop’s brush tool and some layer styles then complete the image with an old-style paper texture.

How to Create a Magical Underwater Scene with Photoshop

Find out how to turn any landscape image into an underwater scene! This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to apply color adjustments to make your land photos look submerged and create a magical glow with some light rays.

Superb Skin Airbrush Technique

Airbrush skin like a pro. In this Photoshop retouching tutorial, you'll learn how to retouch skin like the professionals. Find out how to make skin look healthy without looking plastic or blurred.

Create the Teal and Orange Look in Photoshop With Two Simple Layers

Find out how to create the teal and orange look with this easy Photoshop tutorial. You'll learn how to use the channel mixer and hue/saturation to achieve this.

How to Make Skin Matte in Photoshop

Skin too oily? Learn how to mattify skin in Photoshop with this tutorial. This technique can be done in a couple minutes and is suitable for beginners. You'll learn how to color in the oily spots and blend it in with luminosity masking.

The Fastest Way to Remove Red Eye in Photoshop

When you're taking pictures of people or pets up close with a flash, you might get red eye. Fixing it is incredibly easy with Photoshop's red eye tool. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use the tool to fix red-eye with natural results.

Tutorial Pulse
Get practical Photoshop and Lightroom tips and tricks to take your photos and designs to the next level.